Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Choosing a School for Your Child

The Department of Education has put together a workbook of sorts on how to choose the best school for your child. Before you unschoolers get up in arms, the same document gives you a very clear picture of whether any school is good for your child or whether homeschooling is your best option. The booklet gives a list of questions for you to answer about your child and the schools you're looking into to find the best place for him or her. I'm using the list of school questions tomorrow when we interview the principal at Claus's (formerly known as #1 Son, changed by his request) potential high school. You can order the booklet in hard copy form from the government or download it as html or as a pdf.

IQ Academies Update

Tuition for one year is $5700, whether or not he has his own computer. ACK! Okay, that's not going to happen. But 75-85% of their curriculum comes from Keystone National High School, which charges $300-$400 per credit for the same content. If Claus decides to go this route, I think we'll go through Keystone directly for this coming year and then "transfer" to IQ Academies for his sophomore year. The great news is that when he's a junior and senior, IQ Academies will reimburse us the cost of Japanese camp as part of his language credit! Sweet! We may be able to afford MIT after all!

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