Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Great Comebacks, Part Deux

Mom: "I guess you're not as bright as I thought you were."

Klaus (age 9): "Duh, Mom. I'm not bioluminescent."

Chester (age 5) received an orange from Santa in his Christmas stocking. "He gave me a fruit? What a silly idea!"

Dad: "Why did you climb into bed with us last night?"

Wolfie (age 6): "Well, I hadn't done it in awhile and I thought I'd try it."

The first snow of the year. Chester (age 4) says, "There's snow on the ground. I'm going to go outside and write my name!"

Fearing the worst, Dad asks, "Oh? How are you going to do that?"

Chester: "With my finger!"

Finally, I was telling Wolfie (age 11) about this blog over the weekend. He looked at me in mock-horror and said, "Is raising gifted kids a game to you, Mom? This is my life we're talking about!"

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